Embark on a journey into the mysterious world of the extraterrestrial with our Extraterrestrial spacecraft - 3D Asset Pack. This meticulously crafted collection is your gateway to creating captivating sci-fi experiences, games, animations, and more. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this asset pack is your one-stop solution for adding UFOs and alien-themed assets to your projects.
1 UFO complete with flying system and vfx for levitation of objects.
10 Extraterrestrial spacecraft Models.
5 Interior assets included.
Created with precision in Blender and
meticulously textured in Substance
Painter, the Extraterrestrial spacecraft - 3D Asset Pack not only
boasts stunning visuals but also
showcases the skill and expertise behind its
Whether you're developing a sci-fi video
game, crafting a thrilling cinematic
experience, or diving into the world of
virtual reality, the Extraterrestrial
spacecraft - 3D Asset Pack offers everything you need to create
engaging and memorable UFO encounters.
- Flying system: Basic movements, Landing. Take off, Boost and object levitation.
- An extensive collection of meticulously designed UFO assets for all futuristic projects.
- High-quality models with precise geometry and lifelike materials for a heightened sense of realism.
- Captivating textures that faithfully reproduce the appeal of materials.
- Versatile assets suitable for cinematic experience, game environments, virtual reality experiences, and more.
- Well-optimized assets for seamless integration and smooth performance.
- Easy-to-use materials and textures for customization and variation, allowing you to personalize your projects.